In simple way Meaning of Analogy is “Similarity ” or compassion between one thing and other thing base d on some similarity
Ex. Barometer : Pressure [barometer is an instrument used to measure pressure]
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Ex. Length : Unit [Meter is the unit of Length]
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Ex. Sailors : Crew [a group of sailor is called crew]
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Ex. Cow : Calf [Calf is young one of cow ]
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Ex. Horse : Mare [Mare is female of horse ]
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Ex. Lizard : Reptile [lizard belong to the class of reptile ]
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Ex. Dog : Kennel [A dogs Live In Kennel ]
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Ex. ornithology : Bird [Ornithology is study of bird ]
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Ex. Blacksmith : Anvil [Anvil is tool used by black smith ]
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Ex. Needle : Sew [A needle is used to sewing ]
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Ex. Chef : Kitchen [A Chef Work in Kitchen ]
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Ex. mason : wall [A Chef Work in Kitchen ]
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Ex. Prism : Glass [prism of made of Glass ]
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Ex. Pen : Nib[Nib Is part of pen]
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Ex. Anger : Range [range is higher intensity than anger]
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Ex. Abode : Dwelling [Abode mean almo the same as Dwelling]
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Ex. Attack : Defend [Defend Mean Opposite of Attack]
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